For the last several years, kitchen trends have been dominated by white. This style is doing quite well and in the nearest future it will certainly not give its leadership away. However, the days when elegance was inherently associated with white, black and grey, and the only – let’s call it conventionally – “colorful” elements were limited to a chrome or inox finish, are slowly going into oblivion. Colors are entered more and more boldly, and these are not pastel shades but juicy, vivid colors.
A bit of theory- a word about the psychology of colors
It is widely known that different colors have a defined meaning attributed to them. Let’s take a closer look at a few basic colors. According to many studies, blue is the most popular color in the world. It is a symbol of purity, peace and infinity. Thanks to associations with the sky and water, it has a soothing effect on our well-being. There is a belief that blue has the biggest number of shades in nature. Green – the color of hope, strongly associated with nature and a healthy lifestyle. It has a calming effect and favor regeneration. Red symbolizes passion, power and luxury. Elements of the dress or decor in this color add a unique character, as exemplified by the famous red sole in Louboutin stilettoes. Black, for centuries associated with sadness and grief, thanks to Coco Chanel and her “little black dress” has become synonymous with elegance. And finally white – the most universal of colors, symbolizing innocence and purity. Its popularity in kitchen arrangements, in some way, results from this symbolism. Let us also remember that this is the most universal color- the easiest to repaint.
It has also been proven that colors have a profound impact on people. Colors that surround us affect our mood and influence our reactions. Thanks to the appropriate selection of colors, we can manifest our mood and even try to affect the way of how others perceive us. For example, if we want to be considered professionals and be plausible as experts, we most often choose dark blue jackets and blue shirts. This is the most popular color of business meetings or job interviews. One can easily see that nowadays, the standard is that in the vast majority of cases – this applies to both the dress and interior design – we surround ourselves with universal and safe in reception colors. What about vivid colors that attract attention and sharpen the senses?
Colors in the kitchen
Undoubtedly, the use of colors requires a bit of courage. The decision to break the safe and universal design, most often kept in shades of beige, white or grey, is not easy and should certainly be well thought out. However, before we decide on a claret wall, canary yellow tiles or blue fronts, it’s worth starting with entering the colors gradually.
The easiest way to refresh not only the kitchen, but also any other room, is colorful accessories. We can choose among candles, pots, vases, pillows or, recently very fashionable, posters. In this case, we have a lot of possibilities and it is only our imagination that sets the limit. On the other hand, such abundance can make us feel dizzy and makes it difficult to decide.
In such situation, we suggest putting on something original and starting with the replacement of the basic element of your kitchen equipment- the mixer. LENA series comes with help to those undecided on specific changes. It offers, apart from basic chrome, beige and black options, three color versions that will not escape the attention of the household members and visitors. The red finish perfectly works out in the kitchen, which is the center of social life – it not only attracts attention and stimulates, but also improves the appetite. People being on a diet should reflect on the turquoise finish- shades of blue, in addition to soothing effect, also reduce the excessive appetite. Elements of the yellow finish will certainly improve our mood and spur us to action.
Thanks to a simple mixer replacement, we can introduce small, energetic accents to our kitchens. It is an ideal solution for people who do not have specific renovation plans but want to refresh the interior. It is worth noting that by choosing a particular model from LENA series we are not forced to look at a particular color for months. Thanks to the 4-element spare parts kits, we are able to refresh our arrangement in a relatively easy way or get back to the standard chrome version and change our kitchen as often as we like. One thing is certain – you should not be afraid of changes. We encourage you to experiment with colors.
The world belongs to the brave.