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For the phrase muro

Black mixers

Black is considered to be the most elegant, classic and universal color. We could just  mention the "little black dress" launched almost 100 years ago by the famous fashion designer Coco Chanel, which could not be missed in any woman’s wardrobe. This regularity could also be applied to interior design. In every self-respecting house, apartment or office, there should be elements in a black…

Bathroom - Choice of the Year 2020

A distinction for our Muro series in the category “Mixer Taps, Panels & Shower Sets”.

Golden Villa 2020

For our Komodo sink and loft collection Muro.


The Muro series was created with loft interiors in mind. These mixer taps are distinguished by stylised handles referring to the industrial past of Łódź from where the Laveo brand originates. The series gains even more industrial character thanks to its ribbed spout ends matching the style of the handles. The MURO series comprises 8 bathroom models - including a column with a mixer - and a sink mi…