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For the phrase barbados

Single-bowl or two-bowl sink? Which sink model to buy?


Despite the fact that, in terms of number of bowls, the choice of sinks is little: either single or two, it is very often so hard to make up your mind. So what are advantages of single-bowl and two-bowl sinks then?

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How to keep the kitchen tidy?


“Too many users spoil the tidiness” - you might often want to paraphrase the saying about cooks spoiling the broth, when looking what is going on in the kitchen. This room, which is used by all members of a household, is sometimes hard to be called…

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Sinks are sometimes confused with washbasins, where the term “sink” is used both for kitchen and bathroom equipment and the term “washbasin” is reserved for the bathroom. Below, however, we would like to present the most popular types of kitchen…

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5 things to know about granite sinks.


Granite sinks are very popular, although not everyone knows that they are not made of 100% stone but of a mixture of quartz sand of appropriate granulation and polyester resins. The term “granite sink” is, however, commonly used for remarkably…

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Biophilic design- how to arrange interiors in harmony with nature


Living in a big city often makes us yearn for nature and the natural energy that comes from it. One of the interior design trends for 2020 responds to this need, allowing for a compromise in arranging interiors. The biophilic design makes even an…

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