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Good tapware – how to read pictograms and what are features of good mixer


It is very often that when selecting a mixer for kitchen or bathroom or a shower, you settle for visual qualities. Enjoyable enough if a given series is to your liking and matches the style which an interior is to be furnished in. Even if you not…

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Single-bowl or two-bowl sink? Which sink model to buy?


Despite the fact that, in terms of number of bowls, the choice of sinks is little: either single or two, it is very often so hard to make up your mind. So what are advantages of single-bowl and two-bowl sinks then?

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What is this bidet for, anyway?


Almost anyone has heard about a bidet. But not everyone who has heard of it, probably knows what it is for. What is a bidet for? Is it worth having one in your bathroom? Here is your answer.

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Japandi style in interior, so what does it mean?


Home furnishing styles have changed considerably over the recent years. However it was assumed that the most modern and timeless are Scandinavian and classic styles. An interesting solution and trend in home furnishing is japandi style, so…

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How to keep the kitchen tidy?


“Too many users spoil the tidiness” - you might often want to paraphrase the saying about cooks spoiling the broth, when looking what is going on in the kitchen. This room, which is used by all members of a household, is sometimes hard to be called…

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Tapware basics or what is what


Everyone has a kitchen and bathroom mixer in their home. And everyone, sooner or later, will face a decision to choose a new model. You can find out that not all mixer taps are the same by browsing subpages of similar models, but what do particular…

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