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For the phrase celia

How to keep the kitchen tidy?


“Too many users spoil the tidiness” - you might often want to paraphrase the saying about cooks spoiling the broth, when looking what is going on in the kitchen. This room, which is used by all members of a household, is sometimes hard to be called…

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Sinks are sometimes confused with washbasins, where the term “sink” is used both for kitchen and bathroom equipment and the term “washbasin” is reserved for the bathroom. Below, however, we would like to present the most popular types of kitchen…

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Create a grey-t kitchen


Grey – next to the ‘graciously reigning’ white – is the most popular “kitchen” color. The Internet is flooded with photos of the grey fronts of a popular chain store, which are praised by ordinary mortals, homegrown decorators and professional…

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Kitchen with an island


When decorating our flat, we do our best to make our dream place absolutely exceptional – comfortable and good-looking. Each design solution should be based on the lifestyle and number of household members and the floor area. For those who cook…

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Colours of nature in the kitchen


What can you do so as not to go crazy while renovating? All you need to do is think about important things rather than have your head in the clouds, and then your efforts will be green-lit and your dream interior will become more than just a dream.…

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How to choose the right kitchen sink mixer?


Regardless of how often we prepare meals in the kitchen, the right sink mixer will enable us to save a lot of time and ensure comfort of use. After all, why should we deprive ourselves of a comfortable and improved dishwashing experience? It is easy…

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