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For the phrase pinar

How to fit a tap to a washbasin?


Washbasin and washbasin mixer are the most often used elements of equipment of any bathroom. Therefore it is worth considering carefully which models to choose, particularly as far as functionality is concerned. So, what to pay attention to when…

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What is this bidet for, anyway?


Almost anyone has heard about a bidet. But not everyone who has heard of it, probably knows what it is for. What is a bidet for? Is it worth having one in your bathroom? Here is your answer.

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The ABC of showers or what is what?


Showers are by far the most common solution in our bathrooms. Firstly, because of the limited space, especially in blocks of flats, and secondly, because of the comfort of use. Even in the case of bathrooms big enough to accommodate a bathtub, a…

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